LESIA Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS Sorbonne Université Université de Paris

Data Availability

Friday 27 August 2021, by Xavier Bonnin

RPW data availability

Due to on-going investigations on 50kHz interference, data between January 30 and March 13, 2021 are not released.

RPW science data product availability at ESAC

RPW science data are delivered to Solar Orbiter Archive (SOAR) at ESAC on daily basis. Criteria for delivery are:

  • Only data older than 90 days are delivered
  • Any new version of re-processed data are sent without latency
  • Commissioning data (i.e., before June 2020) are not publicly released

RPW science data product availability at LESIA

The Web calendar below can be used to check availability of and download RPW L2 science data files hosted at LESIA:


  • Drop menu on the upper-left corner can be used to select the dataset to view
  • Data file can be downloaded by clicking on the requested day
  • Calendar is refreshed every 4h

N.B. RPW public data can also be retrieved from the Solar Orbiter Archive (SOAR) at ESAC: http://soar.esac.esa.int/soar/

Other RPW data product availability

RPW instrument status

Daily availability of all in-situ instruments can be found in (external link):
