LESIA Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS Sorbonne Université Université Paris Cité

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How to retrieve the RPW data?

Monday 2 October 2023, by Xavier Bonnin

How to retrieve the RPW science data?

There are several ways to retrieve the RPW data:

The RPW public data are made available 90 days after the acquisition on-board. See also data availability.

How to retrieve the RPW preliminary data?

RPW preliminary data are available in: https://rpw.lesia.obspm.fr/roc/data/private/solo/rpw/data/

RPW preliminary data are available within 48 hours after the telemetry reception at LESIA.
Access to the preliminary data is restricted to authorized people only. Contact the RPW PI (see contact).

How to retrieve the RPW operation data?

Access to the RPW operation data is restricted to authorized people only. Contact the ROC manager (see contact).

NOTE: Information about mission operation planning can be found in https://issues.cosmos.esa.int/solarorbiterwiki/

How to retrieve the RPW calibration table data?

The RPW calibration tables - used to calibrate RPW sub-system data and to produce RPW L2 data files - can be found in the Solar Orbiter SOC Public Wiki.

How to retrieve the RPW ground test data?

Access to the RPW ground test data is restricted to authorized people only. Contact the ROC manager (see contact).

How to retrieve RPW HK parameters?

The RPW HK parameters are saved in CDF daily files in:


Access to these data is restricted to authorized people only. Contact the RPW PI (see contact).

How to retrieve Solar Orbiter platform HK parameters?

The ROC also retrieves from MOC some Solar Orbiter platform HK parameters, which are relevant for RPW. The list of parameters saved can be found in https://confluence-lesia.obspm.fr/display/ROC/SOLO+HK+Parameter+data.

The ROC queries from new HK parameters every 24h. The data returned by the MOC are saved in daily XML files in:


Access to these data is restricted to authorized people only. Contact the RPW PI (see contact).