Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS Sorbonne Université Université de Paris Université Paris Cité LESIA

The Instrument

Tuesday 20 May 2014, by Xavier Bonnin

To meet the science objectives, the RPW instrument has to consist of a sophisticated plasma/radio wave receiver system connected to high sensitivity electric and magnetic sensors. Since the receiver system covers a very wide frequency range (quasi-DC to 20 MHz for electric, and 0.1 Hz to 1 MHz for magnetic), different kinds of sensors are used for the measurements.

The electric antenna (ANT), consisting on a set of three monopoles and the magnetic search coil unit (SCM) are designed to perform correctly for quasi -DC as well as for high frequency measurements. In particular, ANT design is optimised to satisfy the goal of measuring both the quasi-DC/low frequency electric fields and higher frequency radio and thermal noise emissions.

A biasing unit (BIAS) will allow low frequency electric field measurements with significantly increased accuracy, sensitivity and lower noise levels.. The three TDS, LFR and TNR-HFR sub-systems correspond to the core of the receiver system by covering both waveform data and power spectral densities. TDS, LFR and TNR-HFR are connected to a common Data Processing Unit (DPU) that will handle commands, data and communication with S/C.

Figure 1 presents the RPW block diagram.